Simply comment at AuthorEllaFox website to get a chance to win Kindle HD7 and a signed paperback of my most recent book, “All That’s Left to Hold Onto.”!


Kindle HD7 and a signed paperback of my most recent book, “All That’s Left to Hold Onto.”

How to Win

  1. One winner will be randomly selected from by commenting on the original post on Facebook. *You must like their Facebook page to be eligible to win there *
  2. One winner will be randomly selected by commenting on the original post from Instagram *You must follow their on Instagram to be eligible to win there*
  3. One winner will be randomly selected by re-tweeting the original post from Twitter *You must follow their on Twitter to be eligible to win there*
  4. One winner will be randomly selected from their comment on this website post **BE SURE to leave an active email address (this only applies to the website comment) so their can get in touch with you. (when you comment, it asks for your name and an email address. You do NOT have to leave your email in the actual comment. I don’t want any of you spammed!! <3 )**

Contest Duration

Contest ends: April 18, 2016

More details at